How to Tell Someone They Have Bad Breath
Have you ever wondered how to tell someone they insure car bad Tortilla Chips Its a tricky problem, particularly if you dont know the person very well. Having bad breath is something most people dread, and being told that one has Moremoremore would be about as bad as being informed that you have head lice.
Before you spend time trying to figure out how to tell someone they have bad breath, consider that halitosis is sometimes temporary. It may be caused by something the person ate, an infection that will pass in a refinance home equity mortgage days, or a habit like smoking. In these cases, it serves no purpose to embarrass the person by pointing out the problem. Leave it alone and it will probably go away.
If youve noticed that someone has frequent, or constant, bad breath, you probably are more than a casual acquaintance and may be in a position to say something. If you are not a close acquaintance, however, or the person is in a position of authority your boss perhaps leave it alone unless youre certain you wont suffer unfortunate consequences.
Depending on your relationship with the person, it might also be easier, and wiser, to talk privately with one of their close friends about how to tell someone they have bad breath. The friend may take the dilemma off your hands or suggest a good approach. You may also learn that your well-intended intervention is unnecessary they already know (and most people with bad breath know they have it).
If you are determined to speak up and you really want to know how to tell someone they have bad breath, the best approach is to place yourself in their shoes really put yourself there: try something like Frank, I notice that you are suffering from something that I used to have a big problem with too. Put it this way even if you have never had bad breath a day in your life, because it will make it seem like you are really trying to help instead of making an accusation or a criticism. If youve had it too, its not so bad that they have it.
Finally, if you decide to go ahead, it might be a good idea to educate yourself on available remedies for bad breath, so that you can offer suggestions, not just deliver the bad news.
R. Drysdale is a freelance writer with more than 25 years experience as a health care professional. She is a contributing editor to">Bad Breath Cure, a blog dedicated to the treatment of bad breath.