10 Items That Will Sell For A Profit Every Time You List Them On Ebay
These ten items are pretty much guaranteed sellers on eBay, and they will Sainsbury's life insurance for more than what you paid for them. There is a good chance you have them Viagra your house, and if not you can find them at estate sales or garage sales. If you want something to sell on eBay, this is a great place to start.
Bamboo Fishing Rods- These are highly sought after by collectors and bring in the Flash great profits. If you can find them in the original box they sell for even more.
Rotary Telephones- These are for sale in antique stores and garage sales and they will sell on eBay every time you list them if they are in decent condition. Check your grandmas or your attic, you may find one.
Slide Ruler- These are so hot right now, and many collectors are buying up as many as they can find. Vintage is a great key word for these items when you list them.
FM Converters- I don't even know what these things do or what they are for. Apparently they were used in international conference calls in the old days, and people who drive restored cars need this.
Ham Radios- These sell all the time on eBay. Take a look now, most of the items have multiple bids
My Little Pony- The old ones are still selling, don't even need to be in box. There is a good chance you still have some of these in your attic.
Used SLR Cameras- I have seen whole boxes of used camera equipment and parts at garage sales, and the SLR Cameras sell well for used goods.
Used HP Calculators- These are still explosive sellers on eBay and can be found anywhere. Even the old 12C are still selling well.
Cross Stitch Patterns. Sell these in lots if you can find them.
Square Dancing outfits and accessories. donate your vehicle that has anything to do with square dancing sells very well on eBay.
These are just a few of the best sellers. Good Luck with your eBay sales.
For items that sell well on eBay visit the all new www.ebangels.comhttp://www.ebangels.com It contains hints, blogs, resources, and tips to sell more on eBay all written by powersellers and former eBay employees.
Danny Gard is an eBay powerseller and employee of eBay. He is also the owner of the GardianGroup which specializes in auctions, and homes for the mentally handicapped. At eBay, he specializes in teaching eBays biggest sellers on how to increase revenue and traffic. His personal website, which sales the nets best tee-shirts, can be found at www.shibbyshirts.comhttp://www.shibbyshirts.com They can also be sold in wholesale and bulk numbers for resale on eBay or anywhere.