Claustrophobia - Imagine What Your Life Would Be Like Without It!
If you have a regular fear of being shut away in enclosed spaces, or feelings of anxiety or panic if you are in a confined space, then you may well be suffering Shangchi claustrophobia. In fact lots of people suffer from claustrophobia, for some it only causes a mild discomfort but for others cheap hard drive recovery result can be a debilitating panic attack.
Typically signs to watch out for include:
Claustrophobia usually develops after an unpleasant experience in childhood, or from an intensely frightening experience involving confined spaces. These memories can then set up an association in the brain between being in an enclosed space car insurance compare the feelings of wanting to escape or being highly anxious or out of control.
Over the years I've seen countless cases of claustrophobia be successfully resolved using the profoundly effective techniques of EFT, NLP and Clinical Hypnosis, and when a client first makes contact to ask for help one of the fist questions I'm usually asked is "How long will treatment take?" The answer of course depends on your own personal circumstances and why you learnt to be afraid of confined spaces in the first place.
For example, I was recently contacted by two people on the same day, both asking for help with an intense fear of flying and both needing to take essential flights in the very near future. Both these people had an intense fear of being enclosed in the confined space of an aircraft cabin with no means of escape. Fears that they had held for years and which had now developed into a general phobic response to enclosed spaces. Yet these two cases were very different.
The first case was a 'simple phobia' resulting from a very bad flight experience , over 20 years previously and with the help of some EFT (emotional freedom technique) this simple case was completely resolved in under half an hour. The second case was very different and was the result of a sexual assault on a young woman within a very small and confined space, again many years previously. This second case was far from simple and it took several sessions to over a period of a couple of months to resolve all the issues, but eventually, they were all resolved and the person concerned was eventually able to travel in trains and planes, take the lift and wait patiently in traffic jams, without fear or distress.
Why am I telling you this? Because I want you to know that there is never any need to suffer in silence.
Help is just a phone call away and with the right techniques you can begin to experience relief from the fear of enclosed spaces very quickly indeed. Avoidance, usually means that you are selling yourself short and missing out on many of life's opportunities and pleasures.
Remember we are only born with two fears, the fear of falling and of loud and sudden noises. Everything else is learnt and the really good news is that what has been learnt can also be unlearnt! So don't suffer in silence, find yourself a skilled practitioner and make yourself an appointment to address your fears today. You won't regret it.
Anne Marshall is a Vitality Coach and EFT Practitioner. specialzing in releasing fears and wellness coaching. You can contact her directly at"> - or book a free assessment call to talk about cluatrophobia at">
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