
Saturday, August 16, 2008

What Does it Take for Success?

My father was a successful man even when auto insurance rate didn't have any money. So when the material positions automobile donations the proof of Mad magazine came about he was still the same person. He was still successful as he had always been and still took control of his future to continue being successful. Some people would say that if you are struggling to pay bills or just never able to meet your goals, that is not success. Maybe some might call that failure. Not so much, a successful person is someone that wakes up every morning and hits the ground running. A successful person is that man or woman who is constantly focused on ways to better themselves. These people know that there is no Elvis thing as a "finished product", there is always a way that you as a person can improve and each day that should be your goal. If you believe that you are successful and build on that success then anything is possible.

What is your motivation to wake up every morning? Is it your family? Friends? Your job? You need to decide are you ready to take control of your own future, because if you don't know why you wake up every morning then your main goal today and tomorrow and the day after should be to find your answer to that question. Nobody should live life and not know what their purpose is, because we need to have a purpose and goals in order to fulfill our purpose and accomplish our goals. Walking through life without taking responsibility for yourself might be one of the worst things a person can do to themselves.

So, how do you find your purpose? Look inside yourself and ask, what makes you happy? What makes you unique? Write down your goals and dreams, we all have them and study those goals and dreams as if you are preparing for a test. Block out all of the negative things in your life and live everyday with responsibility for your own future. Believe that each day is going to be a good day and focus on the important things, and even when those sour days creep up on you, then you can make lemons into lemonade. Being successful is not only about hard work, but mostly you need to learn to visualize your success and make it happen.

Shannon Street: Mortgage and Credit Expert

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